The rich farmland of Madison County played a role in choosing the location for the Alexandria Paper Mill in 1899. S. A. may have been a serial entrepreneur by day, but farming was still strong in his blood. Over the years he slowly added additional acreage to the original 30 purchased to support the mill. This land was divided into small farm plots which were rented on a stock sharing basis. These farm plots supported a balanced crop rotation, along with the raising of livestock including hogs, beef and dairy cattle, sheep, poultry, and horses. He called this land the Alpaco Farms (Alexandria Paper Company Farms).
The seven hundred acres of the Alpaco Farms were located in Madison and Delaware counties. The buildings were painted in the same color scheme on every farm. Farm dwellings were painted white, while the barns were red with white trim. [1]
The farms provided a way of life and income for some Alexandria families, it was the Alexandria Paper Company that was the “pride of the community,” employing about 150 men and women. It was a “good place to work” as employees were “treated right under every and all circumstance.” [2]
Leading the company founded by his father, S. A. Cook, was Harry Cook, president, and general manager; his brother-in-law Charles Lancaster, vice-president; Edwin Yule, secretary-treasurer; and William Brannon superintendent.
Harry was in Chicago, Illinois when the news came over the wire that the Armistice had been signed. The fighting of World War I had stopped. Upon hearing the news, Harry “got into immediate connection with the Alexandria paper mill and gave instructions to tie down the big whistle and let her blow.” [3]
As the men started to return, they were welcomed home with open arms by their families. At the first call for men to go to war, the paper mill had established a rule “that all good workmen would be taken back when they returned from war.” Harry stated that no distinction would be made “between the enlisted and the drafted man.” [4] The men of Alexandria found their jobs waiting for them upon arriving home.
In June 1919 the Alpaco Farms, and the farmers of Madison County brought their wool to market. “A noticeable feature of the delivery of the wools [3,300 pounds], was the fact that only one wagon was used. All the farmers with the exception of one used automobiles to carry the wool to Alexandria.” [5]
The corn was not “knee high by the 4th of July” in the cornfield on West Eleventh Street, where no corn would grow on a patch of land measuring 40’ x 60.’ “Thereby hangs a tale. Over ten years ago a saloon did a thriving business at this place and business was good on account of the large number of customers from the Alexandria steel factory. The conclusion is reached that the owner of the bar emptied bags of beer in the rear of the saloon building,” and now nothing will grow on this patch. [6]
1920 looked to be a profitable year at the paper mill. Harry, in Florida, still convalescing from sleeping sickness was in frequent communication with mill superintendent, William Brannon. With this promising forecast, he implemented a 12 1/2% wage increase for all employees, both in the factory and the office. [7]
Harry’s road to recovery was long. In April 1921 he left Florida heading for New York, spending the next year and a half in Southold on Long Island. By October 12, 1922, he had recovered sufficiently to return to Alexandria, arriving in a “special Pullman” railway car, accompanied by Ed Yule, with Charles and Maud Lancaster. [8] I believe this to be the last extended visit he made to Alexandria. By January, Harry had returned to Florida, [9] and in 1924 settled in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
While the doctors were unable to find a cure for Harry’s sleeping sickness, the Yule’s were so grateful for the advance in medicine when on April 4, 1923, Georgina was rushed to Anderson for an emergency appendectomy. She came through the “ordeal in splendid shape” and the doctor “looked for no complications to set in.” [10]She was able to return home 25 days later on April 29th, and “her complete recovery from her recent operation is only a matter of a short time.” [11]
The summer storm that rolled through Alexandria on the morning of June 28, 1924, headed straight for the paper mill. William Brannon reported that “a sudden windstorm came upon us at 7:30 this morning and by the time it reached our mill it had assumed the form of a ‘twister.’” The twister hit the “huge steel smokestack that towered a hundred feet or more skyward” and “was struck by a hard wind about ten minutes before 8 o’clock this morning and fell with a crash. It broke in the middle, the top half smashing through the roof of the coal house, while the lower half fell against the big brick chimney, where it is now resting.” No other damage was done, and work began immediately to remove the stack and erect a new one. [12]
1925 started with a lawsuit. The Citizens National Back of Newcastle, as guardian for Harry, filed a $200,000 suit against Charles and Maud, alleging that they had “fraudulently obtained possession” of 500 shares of Harry’s stock in the Alexandria Paper Company. To read more about the suit and Harry’s guardianship, please read “She Was Hopeful Till the End – Part 1.”
On September 3rd fire ripped through the paper mill. A bearing in a rolling machine overheated which started a blaze that “ignited felt roller coverings” and “set fire to some material in a pit under the machine and quickly spread to the roof of the building.” The fire department, quick to respond, found the employees had “formed themselves into a fire brigade and held the flames in check” until the fire department arrived. But the true hero was the automatic sprinkler system installed at the mill, which “worked to perfection.” Superintendent William Brannon, and Ed Yule, now serving as general manager, reported that the mill would continue to operate while repairs were made. “This was the first time in 23 years that the city fire department was called to the paper mill to extinguish a fire.” [13]
Martha and Hosford were spending the winter of 1927 with family and friends in Naples, Florida. The day of February 16th dawned warm sunny, and they were spending the day at the beach. Hosford was playing in the surf with other children when he “got out too far and was drawn out into the Gulf of Mexico by the undertow of waves.” [14] Unable to rescue him, Hosford drowned. The news reached her parents as Martha prepared to accompany her son’s body to Oshkosh. Following a private family funeral, Hosford was placed to rest in the Paine Mausoleum in Riverside Cemetery. [15]
The sudden death of his son prompted Harry, now living permanently in Atlantic City to write a codicil to his Last Will and Testament. He changed the beneficiary list bequeathing $15,000 to his caretaker, Jessie C. Duncan, which was in addition to all payments due her for services, and the remainder to his sister,” Maud Lancaster. [16] Upon his death, in addition to his portion of his father’s estate, Maud would be in full control of the Alexandria Paper Company and all of its land holdings in Alexandria and elsewhere. A wealthy woman made even wealthier.
The climate of the paper industry was changing, and the demand for newsprint was on the decline. Many plants were switching their manufacturing to other types of paper or closing their doors. In October 1928, the Alexandria Paper Mill closed, with the final order shipping on November 9th. [17] “Jake Miller the last engineer of the plant, shed tears of sadness when he blew the company whistle for the last time.” [18]
Corn stalk pulp. As paper mills were seeing a change in the need for newsprint, the government was experimenting with making paper from corn stalk pulp. [19] With the Alexandria Paper Company so recently closed, the Chamber of Commerce moved quickly into action by contacting the Department of Agriculture to see if they would be interested in the mill for their experiments “with corn stalks and other growths for the manufacture of paper.” The Chamber believed that “Alexandria is a very favorable place for some of the experiments, especially in making paper from corn stalks, on account of the abundant supply of the raw material which may be obtained near at hand.” [20]
In March 1929, the Agricultural Department of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States published their findings. The report stated that wood could be grown and harvested on a large scale by few producers, whereas the use of corn stalks would require a large initial capital investment in a raw material that is “dependent upon thousands of individual producers as in the case of corn stalks,” making the process of turning corn stalk pulp into paper not “applicable on a commercial scale.”
The quest to use corn stalks for paper products continued to be a topic of discussion. A year later, in March of 1930, a representative from a “group of men who wish to obtain control of the local factory for the manufacture of wall board from corn stalks” was in Alexandria to look at the paper mill as a possible production facility. [21] While in town the representative met with the Better Business Bureau and Ed Yule to discuss the proposal. “Nothing definite developed from either of these conferences” as it was “indicated that it would be necessary for the citizens of Alexandria to purchase stock in the proposed company to the extent of $100,000, which would be 49% of the capital stock. In return for their investments, the local stockholders were to have majority on the board of directors.” [22] The citizens of Alexandria were not prepared to make such a large investment in an experimental project.
“Farm News,” The Muncie Evening Press, 17 Sep 1935, Tuesday, p. 3, col. 5; digital images, ( : accessed 21 Dec 2017).
The Times-Tribune, 1 Dec 1919, Monday, p. 2, col. 1-2; digital images, ( : accessed 20 Jun 2016).
“Pandemonium is Turned Loose When News Came From State Department.,” The Times-Tribune, 11 Nov 1918, Monday, p. 1, col. 1; digital images, ( : accessed 20 Jun 2016).
“Men Discharged From Army Find Old Positions,” The Times-Tribune, 18 Feb 1919, Tuesday, p. 1, col. 4; digital images, ( : accessed 15 Jul 2016)
“Farmers Sell Wool Clip Here This Morning,” The Times-Tribune, 25 Jun 1919, Wednesday, p. 1, col. 5; digital images, ( : accessed 19 May 2016).
“Beer Saloon Is Blamed for the Failure of Corn,” The Times-Tribune, 9 Jul 1919, Wednesday, p. 1, col. 7; digital images, ( : accessed 20 Jun 2016).
“Paper Mill Employes Receive Wage Increase,” The Times-Tribune, 1 Apr 1920, Thursday, p. 1, col. 2; digital images, ( : accessed 27 May 2016).
“Alexandria,” The Muncie Evening Press, 13 Oct 1922, Friday, p. 6, col. 2; digital images, ( : accessed 1 Dec 2017).
“Kittinger Has Counsel Here,” The Elwood Call Leader, 12 Jan 1923, Friday, p. 8, col. 2-3; digital images, ( : accessed 15 Jul 2016).
“Mrs. Yule Undergoes Operation And Is Reported As Improving,” The Times-Tribune, 4 Apr 1923, Wednesday, p. 1, col. 3; digital images, ( : accessed 20 Jun 2016).
“Mrs. E. W. Yule is Home From St. John’s Hospital,” The Times-Tribune, 30 Apr 1923, Monday, p. 1, col. 2; digital images, ( : accessed 24 May 2016).
“‘Twister’ Hits Big Steel Smokestack Paper Mill,” The Times-Tribune, 28 Jun 1924, Saturday, p. 1, col. 2; digital images, ( : accessed 10 Jun 2016).
“Fire Damages Big Paper Mill Last Evening,” The Times-Tribune, 4 Sep 1925, p. 1, col. 6; digital images, ( : accessed 5 Jun 2016).
“Get Details of Death,” The Oshkosh Daily Northwestern, 18 Feb 1927, Friday Evening, p. 4, col. 2; digital images, ( : accessed 26 Mar 2003), Newspapers & Publications.
“Cook’s Sister Gets Large Part of His Estate,” The Times-Tribune, 11 Aug 1931, Tuesday, p. 1, col. 5; digital images, ( : accessed 19 May 2016).
Interstate Commerce Commission, Decisions of the Interstate Commerce Commission of the United States. February-July 1933 (Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1933), 194: 615. Cit. Date: 20 Sep 2021.
Sue Marston, “Old Paper Mill Will Again Have A Heart Beat,” The Times-Tribune, 15 Apr 1970, Wednesday, p. 8; digital images, ( : accessed 19 May 2016).
“Making Paper From Corn Stalks,” The Times-Tribune, 20 Dec 1928, Thursday, p. 2, col. 1-2; digital images, ( : accessed 20 Jun 2016).
“Wait Further Information On Paper Making,” The Times-Tribune, 9 Feb 1929, Saturday, p. 1, col. 2; digital images, ( : accessed 4 Jun 2016).
“Seeking Paper Mill As Factory For Wall Board,” The Times-Tribune, 3 Mar 1930, Monday, p. 1, col. 6; digital images, ( : accessed 4 Jun 2016).
“Wall Board Plan Fails to Obtain Response Here,” The Times-Tribune, 12 Mar 1930, Wednesday, p. 1, col. 7; digital images, ( : accessed 4 Jun 2016).
It is a testament to S.A. Cook’s management skills that the Alexandria Paper Mill was so quickly and efficiently designed and built from the ground up. He had an overall vision for this 30-acre parcel of land. Today we would call it a campus. His placement of the mill on the southern border of the property, the brick office nearby, and Pipe Creek running through the northern border, parallel with the factory. Located near the railroad line, side tracks were laid at company expense to afford easy access for deliveries of raw materials, and pick-up of the finished product. [1][2]
1901, Section 30, Madison County
While S.A. chose Alexandria for the inexpensive gas running through the county, he was not fully trusting that this would be a lasting source of energy to power the mill. The Daily Northwestern reported: “While the company feels very confident of an ample supply of gas for many years, in erecting its plant it has made provisions for the use of oil for fuel if necessary, and for the use of coal if that should at any time become desirable.” [3]
Following the dissolution of the partnership with M. H. Ballou in the spring of 1900, S.A. had a plan for the future. Since the formation of the S.A. Cook Manufacturing Company in 1897, he had been grooming Watson “Watt” Yule, and his son Harry Cook, to take management positions in the paper-making industry. At age 51, S.A. had no intention of moving to Alexandria to oversee the mill. 30-year-old Watt was working as a teller at the First National bank in Neenah, [4] and S.A. felt that he was experienced enough to take on a management role at Alexandria, and so positioned him as Secretary. At 19, Harry was finishing his formal education at the state university while continuing to learn the family business under the tutelage of his father. S.A. would send him to Alexandria in 1901.
In February 1899 the news arrived from Texas that John “Jack” Yule’s wife had passed away shortly after giving birth to their son. Knowing that he would not want to be so far away from family, S.A. offered him the role of company sales manager. In accepting the position, Jack moved to Alexandria.
The Yule brothers found places to lodge a short distance from the mill and began serving as the eyes and ears for their “uncle” S.A. Cook. Their relationship with S.A. has been documented in many places as uncle/nephew. While not technically correct, they were of the same generation as S.A.’s children, and trying to explain the correct relationship, which is first cousin-once-removed, was complicated, so they came to be known as his nephews.
Watt and Jack’s younger brother, Edwin Watson “Ed” Yule soon joined them in Alexandria. We know he was in Alexandria in 1901 when he married a girl from “home” in Canada, Georgina Louise Lemon, on July 17, 1901. He was 27, and she was 26, and they set up residence in a house that stood near the paper mill. [5] I can only imagine the enthusiasm with which the Yule brothers and Harry Cook welcomed Ed and Georgina on their arrival in Alexandria. Their marriage and subsequent residency in a home on the “South Side” of town created a home base for the family.
A married couple could provide the role of chaperone when they wished to entertain friends and family, such as the Tuesday evening party held on June 10, 1902 in honor of Miss E. M. Daville of Aurora, Canada, and Harry’s sister, Maud Cook. [6] More elaborate parties, such as the one given by Watt, on another Tuesday evening, March 2, 1905, required an additional chaperone, this time Mrs. F. P. Nourse filled the role. On that evening “guests were first driven to the paper mill and after going over the plant repaired to the home…which was situated nearby. Games and music were indulged in until a late hour. Elegant refreshments were served in four courses.” Harry Cook attended, his presence rounding out the numbers to eight couples. [7]
R. L. Polk was in town in 1901 to document the city of Anderson for a 1902-1903 City Directory, including the landowners and taxpayers of Madison County. The county directory noted the landowner’s name and post office address, acreage, and assessed value of real and personal property. S.A.’s property was included, showing a value of $1,310 for his 16-acre plot in Alexandria. [8]
In March 1902 the Sanborn Fire Insurance Company was in Alexandria to map its important buildings. Sanborn Maps are wonderfully detailed, with facts about the community such as the size of the fire department, which streets are paved with brick, and how in 1902 there were four night police, and the lights were electric. The paper mill was included on page nine. In addition to detail about the construction of the mill, the map shows that whole property was surrounded by an 8’ white picket fence, a brick one-story office sat within the fence “about 280’ to S. Park Av.” The mill was mapped again in 1909 and a frame “Auto Shed” with storage shed attached, had been added. [9][10]
The next Yule to marry was Jack. He married an Alexandria girl, Grace Jane Crouse on May 15, 1903 and they settled into the city of Alexandria. Four children were born to the couple: John Hawkins, George Edwin, Mary Elizabeth, John (Jack, Jr.) and Watson Albert. Only two, George and Mary Elizabeth, lived to adulthood. Jack resigned his position as company sales manager in February 1917, returning to Canada, settling in Renfrew, Ontario. He remained in the paper industry, working for the Kenwood Mills Limited of Albany, New York. He passed away on December 5, 1943 in Arnprior, at the age of 71. [11]
By January 1904 the availability of natural gas had dwindled to the point that the Paper Company was compelled to convert its plant to the use of coal. [12] The company was prepared for this change, and the transition from gas to coal was a smooth one. Meanwhile, many other companies began to close or leave Alexandria, which left many of the tenant houses empty. S.A. as president of the Rolling Mill Land Company, began to purchase these homes in 1906 for the purpose of converting the land back to farming. [13]The company reported that they would sell some homes to the county, place tenants in some and others would be torn down and removed. [14]
Watt Yule married 35-year-old Emly Ada Perryman [15] on 31 Dec 1907 in Toronto, Ontario, he was 37 years old. Until that time he had lived in what was known as the “Bachelor’s Retreat” located at 216 East John Street. In 1906 the boarding house was “facetiously called the ‘Orphans’ Asylum,’ for there are no two people of the same name residing there; every one of the ten members is marriageable, and all are perfectly willing that Landlady ‘Aunt’ Kate Williams, be called ‘mother,’ and, indeed, a mother she is, to the oddly made up family.”
“While to the un-poetic and unsentimental it is just a commonplace boarding house, to this family it is far more—it is home.” The article states that some of the residents have “passed by one year, the three score and ten marks.” Kate Williams who was interviewed for the article stated that “‘Happy Hooligan,’ as Watt Yule is deservedly called, …another of the happy family, which owes to him much of its happiness, for he is a natural clown, and though out on the road much of the time, he puts the house in good humor that lasts from one week’s end to his arrival at the other.” [16] I am not sure when Watson left the employ of the Alexandria Paper Mill, but he too remained working in the paper industry. For most of his later life, he lived in Chicago and was traveling for work to Green Bay, Brown Co., Wisconsin when he died of a heart attack on 17 Jan 1935 at the age of 64. [17]
Earliest postmark found: 1908
S.A.’s daughter, Maud Christie Cook, graduated in 1897 at age 19 from Mt. Vernon Seminary, a private women’s college in Washington, DC., now known as the Mount Vernon Campus of The George Washington University. Following graduation, she returned to Wisconsin, and settled into acting as hostess for her father, supported by her aunts, Emeline and Margaret, and adopted aunt, Elizabeth Bartlett.
On November 21, 1913, S.A. announced the engagement of his daughter, Maud, to Charles F. Lancaster of Boston, Massachusetts. [18] The Fond du Lac newspaper describes the relationship between 35-year-old Maud and her 64-year-old father this way: “Miss Cook is a woman of rare attainments and very unusual executive ability. For some years she has been virtually business manager for her father, caring for a great mass of details in his affairs, and saving him untold work and worry. Her marriage and the probable separation it will entail will mean to Mr. Cook not only parting with his daughter, but with a business partner and chum as well.”
Her new husband, Mr. Lancaster, had long been engaged in real estate in Boston. At the time of his marriage to Maud, he was 46 years old. A divorcee, he had one son, Earle Winship Lancaster, born in 1897. Charles and Maud were married on Christmas Day, the “ceremony, which was performed at the residence of the bride’s father, on North Commercial Street, was marked by the utmost simplicity. Rev. E. H. Smith of the First Congregational church, Oshkosh, officiated. The bride wore white Venetian white point lace and was unattended. Although no invitations were issued, Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster received many beautiful presents.” [19]
After their marriage, the couple traveled extensively both here and abroad and were often guests at the home of Edwin and his wife in the house near the paper mill.
Dare I say that Henry Harold Cook, known as Harry, was a bit of a playboy who enjoyed parties and social gatherings, attending ball games, and driving fast cars. As the son of a wealthy man, he was afforded such luxuries and had the time and money to indulge in entertainment.
He is recorded as joining and being part of the organization of many new clubs in Alexandria such as the Alexandria Whist Club, the New Century Club, and the Fortnightly Club. In May 1909, at age 28, he became president of the Monroe Township branch of the Law and Order League. The league was formed to work for the retention of the saloons in Madison County in the coming “county option campaign.” The “purpose of the organization is not only to prevent the county from going dry, but to continue as a permanent thing, to force the saloonists to obey the law, and to drive out of business those saloonists who do not obey the law.” [20] I do not know if they were successful.
S.A. entered the political arena for the last time in 1907 when petitions were signed encouraging him to run for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senator against Senator Robert M. La Follette. He was defeated in the 1910 primary. His response to his loss was that he needed no sympathy, and that “I shall be found in the future as in the past, supporting those principles which I believe will benefit the whole people, helping rather than criticizing, and conscious that if the future may justly be judged by the past, my course shall in the end be fully vindicated.” [21]
As a young man in Alexandria, Harry kept rooms in town, first at the Bachelor’s Retreat, and later in an apartment in the Day Block, [22] but his permanent residence was with Edwin and Georgina Yule. It was here that at age 28, he was enumerated in the 1910 United States Federal Census, residing as a lodger. Edwin, 36 years old, was head of the household, with his wife, Georgina, age 35, keeping house. Also living with them was a servant, 19-year-old Lottie Stewart. [23]
The Paper Mill continued to grow and thrive under the leadership of the Yule brothers, Harry Cook and long-time superintendent William H. Brannon, [24] but it was the vision of S.A. that created the culture of the mill. In 1908 the city placed the tax value of the Paper Mill at $33,540. [25]
On April 5, 1902, S.A. had written a letter “To Our Employees.” In this letter, he informed the employees that he intended to adopt what he called “a short hour schedule,” in which the mill would “commence the manufacture and finishing of paper at seven o’clock Monday morning and stop manufacture and finishing of paper Saturday night at six o’clock, until further notice, wages to remain the same…” “And as a further consideration of your past, present and expected willingness to do, we have decided that each person in our employ for one year beginning April 1st, 1902, or those who may come later and remain continuously in our employ for one year, shall at the end of such year of service receive ten per cent on the amount paid such person during said year on present rate of wages. This may be construed by you as a share in the earnings of the business, or as interest on your wages, which is a workingman’s capital.” [26]
The culture that S. A. created for the mill was not only ahead of its time, but one that would withstand the test of time.
circa 1910
“Nearly Completed.,” (Neenah)Neenah Daily Times, 24 Oct 1899, p. 4, col. 4. Cit. Date: 10 May 2016.
In 1998 the location of the railway lines was described this way: “There was a switch track east of Ind. 9 between Gaither Family Resources and the old Colonade or Elder House today. The track continued across the highway, through the Yule Estates area and connected with the present railroad track. The street car track came down the center of Harrison Street and through the present Yule Estates.” Club Notes. Alexandria-Monroe Historical Society,” The Times-Tribune, 25 Mar 1998, Wednesday, p. 12 & 13, col. 2 & 5; digital images, ( : accessed 10 Jun 2016).
“Neenah Capital In Indiana,” The Oshkosh Daily Northwestern, 25 Jan 1900, Thursday, p. 6, col. 2; digital images, ( : accessed 26 May 2016).
“Watson A. Yule Died Thursday,” The Menasha Record, 18 Jan 1935, Friday, p. 1, col. 5; digital images, ( : accessed 27 Aug 2021).
John La Rue Forkner, History of Madison County, Indiana: A Narrative Account of Its Historical Progress, its People and Its Principal Interests, 2 volumes (Chicago and New York: Lewis Publishing Company, 1914), 2: 598-599. Cit. Date: 4 May 2016.
“Alexandria, Ind.,” The Muncie Morning Star, 15 Jun 1902, Sunday, p. 8, col. 4; digital images, ( : accessed 28 Aug 2021).
“Pleasantly Entertained,” The Times-Tribune, 2 Mar 1905, Thursday, p. front page, col. 2; digital images, ( : accessed 17 Jul 2016).
R. L. Polk, R. L. Polk & Co., Indianapolis, Indiana, R. L. Polk & Co.’s Anderson City and Madison County Directory, 1902-1903. A Business Directory and a complete list of all Landowners and Taxpayers in Madison County, 524, e 213; digital images, ( : accessed 1 Jul 2016).
Sanborn Map Company, Sanborn Fire Insurance Map for Alexandria, Madison County, Indiana (N.p.: n.p., March 1902, 13 sheets); digital image, Indiana University Bloomington ( : accessed 17 Oct 2017).
Sanborn Map Company, Sanborn Fire Insurance Map for Alexandria, Madison County, Indiana (N.p.: n.p., November 1909, 13 sheets); digital image, Indiana University Bloomington ( : accessed 28 Aug 2021).
Ontario, Canada Archives of Ontario, death certificate 033409, 630; reference no. RG 80-08-0-2265 (1943), John Campbell Yule; digital image, “Registrations of Deaths, 1943, Archives of Ontario; Toronto, Ontario, Canada,” ( : accessed 26 Aug 2016).
“Around A Big State,” The Silver Lake Record, 22 Jan 1904, Friday, p. 3, col. 6; digital images, NewspaperARCHIVE ( : accessed 6 May 2016).
“Have Forty Houses,” The Daily Record, 24 Mar 1906, Saturday, p. 1, col. 2; digital images, ( : accessed 1 Dec 2017).
“Republic Company Is Selling Vacant Houses,” The Muncie Evening Press, 23 Jan 1906, Tuesday, p. 6, col. 5; digital images, ( : accessed 28 Aug 2021).
On all legal documents she spelled her name Emly, although based on the common use of Emily, it was pronounced as Emily.
“‘Bachelor’s Retreat’ At Alexandria,” The Muncie Sunday Star, 4 Nov 1906, Sunday, p. 2, col. 2; digital images, ( : accessed 28 Aug 2021).
“Watson A. Yule Died Thursday,” The Menasha Record, 18 Jan 1935, Friday, p. 1, col. 5; digital images, ( : accessed 27 Aug 2021).
“Maud Cook Engaged,” (Fond du Lac)The Daily Commonwealth, 21 Nov 1913, Friday, p. 4. Cit. Date: 12 Aug 2004.
“Miss Cook Is A Bride,” The Oshkosh Daily Northwestern, 26 Dec 1913, Friday Evening, p. 9, col. 2; digital images, NewspaperARCHIVE ( : accessed 21 Nov 2016).
“Officers Are Named,” The Times-Tribune, 5 May 1909, col. 4; digital images, ( : accessed 19 Jul 2016).
“S. A. Cook Says He Needs No Sympathy,” The Appleton Evening Crescent, 16 Sep 1910, Friday, p. 8, col. 3; digital images, ( : accessed 2 Sep 2021).
“Guests Entertained.,” The Times-Tribune, 15 Jan 1917, Monday, p. front page, col. 1; digital images, ( : accessed 27 May 2016).
1910 U.S. census, Madison County, Indiana, population schedule, Monroe Township, enumeration district (ED) 109, sheet 9, p. 175B, dwelling 213, family 213, Edwin Yule household; digital images, ( : accessed 29 Apr 2016); citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm T624, roll 364.
William H. Brannon had worked for S.A. Cook in his Neenah mills. He moved his family to Alexandria in 1903 to run the Alexandria Paper Mill.
“Tax Valuations Fixed.,” The Times-Tribune, 19 Jun 1908, Friday, col. 5; digital images, ( : accessed 19 Jul 2016).
The Oshkosh Daily Northwestern, 12 Apr 1902, Saturday Evening, p. 4, col. 5-6; digital images, NewspaperARCHIVE ( : accessed 6 May 2016).