Research Thoughts

To Add Color to the Day

I have been spending this time of COVID, not researching, but working through my files and organizing. The past few days has been spent with loose newspaper files, scanning, giving them a file name and description in my Excel document, and then filing them away. 

The next article in the pile was a wedding notice. One of the good ones. The article was published in The Hilbert Favorite (I know this from reading a note from the editor on the back of the clipping). I, unfortunately, don’t know the date of the clipping, but I do know about the wedding. 

I have in my collection a group wedding portrait from that day. Black and white of course, but in this portrait, my seventeen-year-old mother-in-law stands proudly as maid of honor for her cousin, her future sister-in-law, sister of the groom, stands next to her. They are holding prayer books and a rosary. 

To add color to the day, you just have to read…

“The bride wore a princess style dress with lace and net insertion, a long tulle veil, edged with lace, and a coronet of seed pearls. Her accessories were white and she wore a corsage of lilies, roses and baby breath and carried a white prayer book and pearl rosary. The pearl necklace, which she wore, was given to her by her great, great aunt and uncle…”

“Miss Marie Campbell…was maid of honor and was attired in a salmon colored princess dress with lace and net insertion. She wore a coronet and salmon colored veil.”

“The Misses Ann and Alvina…sisters of the groom, were bridesmaids. The former wore aqua and the latter chartreuse, both dresses being made princess style with lace and net insertion. Both wore coronet’s and veils to match their dresses. All had white accessories and wore corsages of lilies, roses and baby breath. The maid of honor and the bridesmaids carried white prayer books and pearl rosarys which were given to them by the bride.”

I know I can colorize this photo using the new tool at MyHeritage, but even without actually colorizing the photo, reading the above description gives so much color to this summer wedding.

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